Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rockhaven photoshoot!!!

8 months pregnant!!!!! The belly has reached a level of beauty that we just had to capture photos of to remember this last little bit of time before our selfish quiet time ends. Sleeping in and cuddle time is precious and we are soaking it up for all it is worth.

These images are mostly taken in the baby room yet others were taken in front of our house named Rockhaven. The photographer is a great friend of mine named Amaryllis. As of late... I have been helping her take photos at weddings and she hooked us up with a little prego photo shoot. I love her old fashioned style and she is a master editor. I'm taking notes and learning a lot from her. Someday....someday my photo skills will be ready for the world to soak in and enjoy. My new camera will prevail!

The little baby we have been calling Lil' Miss Moppet due to her unfound name will be coming any day. We are very excited and anticipating the most beautiful little nugget ever seen by human eyes (Knock on wood)....JK! We have a tour of the Hospital at Overlake this Friday and they are going to walk us through some of the "must knows" for delivering a baby. In addition we are making a check list of all the things we need before she comes.

I find it funny that I know exactly how to get to Baby's R US and my office is now brown and pink with hearts, flowers and a white chandelier with little gems hanging from it. It really does make me laugh how fast life can change. I am so ready for this has been something I have been searching for for years. Who knew it was a baby that could make my life so much more valuable? She isn't even here yet and I'm already talking about a life change.

Well I'm off to play with my I know that my time as a independent man with little responsibility is almost over. Maybe ill take a nap...then a little Bed Bath and Beyond....ah....who knows if ill have enough time.

Enjoy the photos!!!

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